Welcome to Ask Us 24/7 - a service of the Empire State Library Network, and its member libraries and library systems. We can find answers to your reference questions and provide information on your local library.

You can access Ask Us 24/7 through your library's website, or by selecting your library below. This helps us to identify policies and resources available to you, because in some cases you will be communicating with a librarian who does not work at your local library.

About Ask Us 24/7

About Ask Us 24/7

Ask Us 24/7 is a virtual chat service that connects people with reference librarians. Ask Us 24/7 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. You will not necessarily be chatting with a librarian in your community or even at your library, but you will be chatting with a reference librarian. The librarian who answers your call may be able to help you with questions about your library and will help you find answers to other questions you may have by using a range of Internet sources and specialized databases. If you need assistance specifically from your home library, your question will be referred and a librarian from your home library will get back to you via email.


Is your library interested in joining? Contact your library council, or contact Caitlin Kenney, Research and Reference Services Coordinator and Project Manager of Ask Us 24/7 for the Western New York Library Resources Council, for more information.

Ask Us 24/7 is a joint service of the Empire State Library Network.




Last updated August 2024